How to make them at home? Recipes and tips to make the perfect hamburgers and desserts!
Monday, July 4, 2016
Mcdonald's spicy chicken sandwich recipe
Spicy chicken sandwiches are popping up everywhere nowadays. Which, is a good thing for my teenaged son. He craves them like a Cullen craves a camping trip. Though most fast food spicy chicken sandwiches are cheap eats–usually priced less than two bucks–I shudder to think of the meat quality, preservatives, and unhealthy oils used in the preparation of this ‘meal.’ So, the tweenager and I set to work last week, attempting to recreate his favorite spicy flavor in a more healthful way. Would you believe it only took ten minutes to achieve a flavor that had him head over heels, using all-natural chicken breast, and a handful of everyday spices? It’s true! This recipe is ridiculously easy and ridiculously delicious. It’s one spicy chicken sandwich that we can afford to put into our menu, schedule, and bodies.
Homemade Spicy Chicken Sandwich Recipe2 tsp. paprika 1 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 tsp. onion salt 1 tsp. celery salt 1 tsp. sugar 1/3 c. cornstarch 2 eggs, well beaten 2 chicken breasts, sliced halfwise to create 4 pieces 1 c. light olive oil or canola oil for frying
In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium high heat. While the oil is heating, combine cornstarch and all other spices in a shallow dish, stirring together until well mixed. Pour well beaten eggs into a second shallow dish. Coat chicken pieces thoroughly with the cornstarch/spice mixture. Dip both sides into the egg mixture, then transfer immediately to hot oil and pan fry on both sides until cooked through (about 2-3 minutes per side). Remove from oil, placing cooked chicken on a paper towel momentarily to drain excess oil from the sandwich. Serve on hamburger buns with mayonnaise and lettuce. Enjoy!