Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How to make Mcdonald's Hash Browns

4 Ore-Ida® Golden Patties® frozen potatoes*
4-6 cups vegetable oil (McDonald's uses soybean oil)
*(the McDonald’s "factory" has special equipment for machine tooling these hash brown patties. They are
nearly impossible to duplicate at home)
Special Tools
10 inch non-stick skillet
rubber spatula (like Rubbermaid®)
deep fryer

Cooking McDonald’s Hash Browns
1. Pre-heat your deep fryer to 350°-375° range.
2. Place 4 still frozen Ore-Ida® hash brown patties in the fry basket.
3. Lower the basket into the hot oil, and cook 2-3 minutes until golden brown.
4. Remove the hash brown patties, and place on a paper towel lined plate. Add a dash of salt immediately to
each side, and allow to cool a few minutes before serving.
5. Serve with McDonald's scrambled eggs.